Maximizing views and editors

How to maximize a →view or an →editor in the current →perspective

  • Click  (the Maximize button) in the title bar of view or of the editor.
    When maximizing, Neuron Power Engineer minimizes all views or editors except the ones that are stacked together as tabs. 

How to restore a maximized view or editor to its originating size/position:

  •  Click  (the Restore button) in the title bar of the maximized view or of the maximized editor.

Alternatives to toggle the current view or editor between its maximized and its restored state:

  • Double-click the title bar of the view or editor.

  • In menu Window, select Navigation and Maximize active view or editor or press Ctrl+M when view or editor is active.

If you are satisfied with the new layout, you might want to save your changes by saving the perspective. If not, you might want to reset the perspective in order to discard the changes.